Felix Asuquo

Felix Asuquo is a remarkable individual whose life has been dedicated to service and making a difference. As an author, philanthropist, and former sheriff, Felix brings a wealth of experience and passion to everything he does.

Through his captivating writing, Felix invites readers into a world of inner peace and serenity with his book "Finding Calm Amidst the Storm: A Guide to Inner Serenity." This insightful guide offers readers practical wisdom and heartfelt advice on navigating life's challenges while maintaining a sense of tranquility and balance. From its pages, readers glean invaluable insights and strategies for cultivating inner peace, making it a must-read for anyone seeking solace in today's hectic world.


Off the page, Felix is a dedicated philanthropist, committed to giving back to his community. He extends his commitment to helping others by dedicating himself to philanthropic endeavors, particularly in supporting the less privileged. Before embarking on his writing and philanthropic journey, Felix served with honor as a sheriff. His years of service instilled in him a deep sense of duty and a profound understanding of the importance of community safety.

Felix established himself as a respected figure in real estate development. With a keen eye for opportunity and a passion for community enhancement, Felix has played a pivotal role in shaping urban landscapes and fostering economic growth. Through his real estate ventures, he has revitalized neighborhoods, created job opportunities, and contributed to the overall prosperity of the communities he serves.

When he's not writing or giving back he finds joy in spending time with his beloved wife and beautiful daughters. Their partnership is a source of strength and inspiration, grounding Felix in life's ups and downs.